Castleville Legends: Liang's Greed

At first he lured you with sweet promises of heroic dragons and lavished your kingdom with gifts of pearls. Then he waved at you happily as you piled common crafted goods with a few expensive mats into his hot air ballon in the hopes of a few free crowns. He was quiet, respectful, and always on the mark with his arrival. When suddenly Liang turned around and started to demand more expensive goods. The amount of items he wanted were rising into the hundreds. He stopped giving out black or gold pearls or crowns.

Dear Royals, he showed you his true self; greed.

We know that Liang is an adventurous merchant who is also a dragon friend(Yvette you are not a special snowflake afterall). According to Zynga, his ancestors lived in the Legendary Lands before the Gloom and carried dragon eggs away with them to live far from the curse.

Yet we know better. We know that he is the very definition of a pirate...or a pimp. I haven't decided which fits him more. Most likely the pimp.

The Crown Greed

Typical, almost had the order completed save that last item.
If you have ever come short of an item in fulfilling his order you can actually complete it by buying the crafted good with crowns. However, take a look at that crown price of 26.

Oh he is very crafty thinking we wouldn't notice.
If you have the mats on hand but simply ran out of time you can craft the item with crowns right at the place where you craft the goods. The crown price is way cheaper. Of course, Liang wouldn't want you to know that as he prefers you spend the most out of your wallet with him.

Crafted Goods Greed

A mild case compared to what he asks from others
Lately the Dragon merchant has been asking for obscene amounts of goods. In my case it has been mild as he wants three sets of 40 apples but in others cases he asks for over 100 eggs, oats, or apples.

Zynga player support is full of complaints and with good reason
The community forums are up in arms. Liang is asking for far too much. Which is quite interesting as supposedly players were to get a kinder, more relaxed, Liang. Someone on the team crunched the wrong numbers and set his ambitions way too high.

You know that is what he is really saying to us behind our backs.
Or in a very tinfoil hat approach to this is that perhaps the folks at Zynga purposely set the crafted numbers high. This way, when he is 'reset' it goes back to the original numbers. Players wouldn't balk so much at how much he asked for originally and they can continue profiting without actually doing a thing. I did say it was a very tinfoil hat theory! Still you never know...

How is Liang treating you? Has he gone mad or is he just right?

Happy playing Kings and Queens,


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