Castleville Legends Update: Sell Goods to Alliance

Greetings Royals,

today I have a really good update.

Monarchs of Castleville Legends rejoice. Zynga is slowly releasing the ability to sell crafted goods to our Alliance members via our Sea Trading ships. Look for the new updates in the Google, Amazon, and Apple stores soon. I think I can speak for everyone when I say - "It's about time!"

I'm testing it out as I type. Feel free to click the pictures to enlarge them.

Sell Goods to Alliance & FB Friends
New slot and it's a good one
When you click on the port or the ship itself it will bring up the new format for our trading ship. You can see the spot where we can sell our item to our Alliance or FB Friends. What this means is that the crafted good that you place into that square spot will only be visible to your Alliance members and Facebook Friends. The only pirates(Are they really pirates though if your friends need the item you are selling? I personally don't think so) you will have to look out for is within your friends and Alliance ranks. So make sure to let other Alliance members know that the item in the slot is for a certain person or free to grab.    <--This part would prove a little difficult if you have FB Friends.

Thanks sweetie for the purchase!
In the picture above all of my items sold and have returned. The pretty lady pictured with the 'Thanks!' is actually one of my Facebook Friends. This shows that the 4th slot can be seen by not just Alliance members but also your friends at Facebook.

Other New Ship Changes

The changes don't stop with just the new slot. 
Another new change is lock and interchange items ability. What I noticed was that so long as you don't close the sea trade window as you are loading goods then you can interchange items. Once you close the window then the items "lock" and you can't change them.

If your items all sell the ship comes back immediately
An example of this is that stardust potion and clovers pictured above. I closed the window and they locked at the prices they are currently on. The ice cream bar I put in and then set the price but then decided to put in oatmeal. I then set the price higher and decided to click out of the slot. Normally this would lock your item and price but I could get the oatmeal out and put the ice cream bar back into that same slot. Once I closed the window the price and item would lock and cannot be changed.

Immediate Ship sailing back and forth

If all your items sold then a notice will pop-up.
What's more for our new ship trading options? How about the fact that if all your items sell then the ship will sail back regardless of the time shown. In my case I have a few items still selling so I am showing a timer for when my ship returns. If they had all sold then it would have sailed back at once. If the items do sell all at once then a notice will appear that tells you that your ship is back.

As soon you collect your gold coins the sea trade ship is ready to sail immediately. There is no cooldown or waiting period nor any need to use crowns to send it right back to global trade. Nice!

Still testing:
The ability to automatically purchase an item if not sold the first time.
The ability to resail the ship once all items sold or if there is a cooldown period allocated.

When will the update come for Apps:
New updates roll out faster for Web as they don't have to go through the uploading/approval process via the stores. The store updates 'usually' follow the next day Keep your eyes out for the official announcement.

Edit: Currently the new update for IOS and Google Playstore are now up!

Thanks for reading. I'll post more as I test out the new features inside the game. Seems that Glurb has gotten new items to ask for alike Fizzy Apple juice. There are a few minor changes to the Places of Legend - kraken cove, Owl spire are requiring different items to enter the dungeons. I'll post more on that in a seperate entry.

Happy playing!
- Masaya


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