New CastleVille Legends Update comes with nasty Bugs

New CastleVille Legends Update comes with nasty Bugs

CastleVille Legends on the App Store on iTunes
CastleVille Legends on the App Store on iTunes
Hi everyone,

I hope your Zapping the Gloom event is going well. A few players have noticed that there is a new update in their ITunes, Game stores. The description only states it 'fixes various bugs' with a dash of magic. The thing is, this new update has been causing new bugs as well.

Edit for update: 11/13/15 - Zynga is now aware of the problems. They now have updated their patch to fix it so be sure to download this update: DLC version (4.1.137.dlc.138). Kindly check your AppStore to get the latest game update!

Here are a few of the bugs being encountered

1.) Zapping the Gloom event completely wiped out
2.) Disappearing buildings
3.) Duplicate Heroes
4.) Loading bar stuck and not loading game
5.) Connection to Facebook not working

Please understand that if you do immediately update that these new bugs may affect your gameplay. For the moment the CastleVille Legends team hasn't responded to the bugs. My advice is to wait a few days before updating(this new update does not introduce any new game features) to see if the game developers have fixed the new problems. I'll update this entry with more news as it develops.

Happy playing,
- Masaya


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