Legends from the Castle
In a world of magic and science, exists a legendary kingdom governed by a mysterious royal. Far and wide, the bards sung tales of the crowned head's benevolence and the tranquil life within their province. However, no rule is without conflict, and the peace was suddenly broken..
When the Darkness swept the land, the shadowy fog turned the once beautiful landscape into a murky swamp filled to the brim with grim goblins and night terrors. As the Darkness surrounded the castle it left no quarter for escape. The shadows wordlessly crept within the halls of the castle for it deliberately sought out the one who wore the crown.
Sensing the coming Darkness, the ruler passed a message into the wind in the hope that the kingdom's plea for help would be received by someone. "A foul darkness seeks to destroy the peace of the people. Answer my call. Heroes, of old and new, seek out the legendary land to save my kingdom."
Near and far, the message was carried to various directions of the world. Across the large expanse of the ocean, and within the Western kingdoms, was Yvonne; a young woman with a gift for speaking to animals. She was the first to hear the words of the royal. The second to take in the ruler's plea was Richter, a barrel-chested woodsman with a penchant for the ladies.
Discover an enchanting world. Witness the adventures of two heroes as they fight to push back the murky rift. Their mystical saga is only beginning.
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